27 Feb - 1 Mar 2023

This week was all about the bookmark. Emma & Luke did quite a few demonstrations together including an emery trick using a saw frame, an emery trick using a clamp, and a polishing trick using hemming strings. Luke also did a demo on getting rid of small marks using a curved burnisher. I was hoping to complete the bookmark, but I think I’ll need another session.

The second photo showing the bookmark edge is yet another trick taught by Luke. To find out whether your edge is straight when filing, you can run a permanent marker along it and start filing. The parts with colour signify the dents.

Towards the end of workshop day 2, we were told that either the triangle or the rectangle in the fit test will need a patina finish. A few tests were done with varying temperatures and none worked well for my piece. The patina didn’t stay on and unfortunately after this whole process, it made the triangle piece a little smaller so it won’t stay inside the frame. Guess I’ll have to make another triangle next week…

This week’s wrap up:

Different filing techniques
Using a curved burnisher
Oxidizing copper with liver of sulphur
Started wearing a glove on my right hand because of my stupid bicycle accident, but it kept my hand really clean. Maybe I should wear them all the time?


Coral Chumcert2